Sunday, June 30, 2013

Optimizing Your Productivity

Do you have days where you work, and work, and feel like you got nowhere?  Are you a multi-tasker?  What’s your productivity style – how do you make sure you get things done? 

There are some things that I have found I need to incorporate in order to stay productive.  The first, and most important, is discipline.  Being I work from home, there are a lot of “voices” calling to me.  What’s for dinner?  Girlfriend calling.  Laundry to do.  Email to read.  Games to play – oh, oops.  Well, you get the idea.  So discipline is an absolute necessity.

Another thing is to stay focused.  No matter my desire to stick to my guns, and stay disciplined, there are a LOT of important things I need to tend to.  I am a fan of variety, and it’s easy to say – half an hour of this, start something else, half an hour of that, start something else - when what I really need to do is stay focused on the task at hand.  Every client I have is important, but I need to prioritize the projects, start and finish before moving to the next – as much as is possible. 

Sometimes I think of something I need to remember concerning another client, or a family issue, or a church prayer request issue – and it could set me off in another direction in a flash.  Instead, I’m learning to keep my notebook by my side, and when those flashes of “Oh, yea, I gotta do that”, hit – I quickly write it down in my notebook with the date & time.  Now, I can get back to what I was doing.  I haven’t lost my thought, and I haven’t lost my work focus.  Then at the end of my work day, or when reviewing that evening – I can get to whatever was on my mind earlier.

You know how women, especially, like to think of themselves as being able to multi-task?  I know I do.  I hate sitting in front of a television program without also doing a puzzle, or making grocery lists, or something!  My husband never does this.  When he watches TV – he watches TV.  I read someplace that we really aren’t designed to be multi-taskers.  We’re not robots.  We can move from one thing to another – but not do two things at once.  I would not want to try my TV watching approach while trying to drive.  It’s why people shouldn’t, and really can’t text, and drive.  When driving, your mind needs to be fully in tune to what’s going on around you on the road – not on your cell phone.

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If I attempt multi-tasking while working, I find myself half-attending to what I’m doing.  Doing one thing, while thinking about what I need to do for the other.  I hate to say it, but that’s going to create less than excellent results.  Focus.  Stick to the task at hand.  It will actually save time in the long run.  It’s been suggested by others in Virtual Assisting that each evening, or first thing each morning, the best thing to do is make a list – prioritize.  Pre-determine that these things – A, B, C and so on must be done today.  When those things are done, move on down your list.  I usually find I have three or four things that must be done, and three or four things I would like to get done, and then whatever else – if I have the time.  I do the must be done list first to reduce my stress, and enjoy the rest of my day.

Another thing I find important in being productive is saving time for breaks, and a little exercise.  I start my day reviewing, and having devotions along with my special treat - Starbucks Veranda Blonde Coffee.  Can you say addicted?  Then I have breakfast followed by a little light exercise, and whatever quick home tasks need to be attended to.  Then I begin my work day.  I allow myself to work uninterrupted for 90 minutes, then I take a bit of a break to walk, stretch, move the laundry around….moving being the key factor, here.  Then I work until noon or so, taking a break to make a healthy lunch.  I am learning to take that break seriously because if I don’t – my energy starts to wane by mid-afternoon.

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Once I’ve had lunch, I work uninterrupted until about 2 pm, taking another break to move, perhaps get dinner plans underway, and finish any laundry.  Once again, I return to work, and work until 5 pm. 

For me, getting up, stretching, maybe playing a little music – are all part of making the day more productive for me.  Early in my work as a VA I used to try to work straight through until a quick, grab what I could lunch, and then work through the afternoon.  One, I began to slump about 2 or so, and two – my back would hurt like crazy.  Not a good plan.  Taking time out to take care of yourself is important in being productive.

So, my keys to productivity are:  Be disciplined – get up, and get going.  Be focused – don’t get side-tracked by ALL the important work you have to do; prioritize.  Start a task, and finish it.  Don’t be a multi-tasker.  Honestly, that’s hard for me to say – I used to wear that title like a badge of honor.  But it really doesn’t pay out in the end.  Then finally, take care of yourself, move, change it up, eat well, get plenty of rest each night…oh, and don’t forget to drink plenty of water.  (No really, do you know how easy it is to go all day working at your desk without remember to drink anything but coffee?  And coffee is a diuretic.  You could be letting yourself get dehydrated!)  Just saying.

Well, that’s my thoughts for the day.  Have a productive week!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Persevere - Don't Give Up!

“Look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock, perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it.  Yet at the hundred-and-first blow it will split in two, and I know it was not the last blow that did it, but all that had gone before.”   
                                             ~Jacob A. Riis

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.

You could be one swing away from reaching your goal. Are you sure you want to quit now?

1 Corinthians 9:24  Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.


Someone recently told me that if I gave up now, I'd never know if the next minute would have been the minute I would have reached my goal.  So, I'm not giving up today.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Top 10: Way to Lead by Example

Top 10: Ways to Lead by Example
by Connie Sheppard

Good leaders must lead by example. If your actions match your words, people will follow you. When leaders say one thing but do another, trust evaporates, a critical element of productive leadership.  Everyone, no matter what we do in life should strive to be a good leader - whether as a business owner, a parent, a teacher, a peer...wherever we have potential influence.  Here are ten great ways out of dozens to lead by example.

1.Take responsibility. Don’t blame others, don’t put people on the defensive.

2. Be truthful. Honesty really is the best policy.

3. Be courageous. Go through the tough stuff.  Be willing to take a risk, commit to learning new things.

4. Acknowledge failure. Acknowledging failure defines it as part of the process of becoming extraordinary!

5. Be persistent. Like Winston Churchill said, “Never give up, never give up, never, never give up.”  Obstacles shouldn’t define you.  Hurdles shouldn’t permanently trip you up.

6. Create solutions. Don’t dwell on problems; find solutions. 

7. Listen. Ask questions.  Work on understanding.  Hearing what others have to say can give you great insight.

8. Delegate.  What you can have others do for you to make your time more useful, and more profitable – let go of it, and let others do.

9. Take care of yourself. Exercise, don’t overwork, take a break. Live a balanced life – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Model it, encourage it, support it! 

10. Roll up your sleeves. Get busy, stay focused, don’t waste time.

Author’s content used with permission, © Claire Communications

Thursday, May 9, 2013

VAVirtuoso Webinar - a Week of Learning

This week has really been interesting and rewarding.  I have been learning a lot from this year's VAVS webinars (VAVirtuoso).  It's fun to find out about how others do things, what other VA's are involved in, what new technology is out there, and even not so new but that I didn't know about!

I figure there's always room to grow, and learning should be an ongoing thing.  Not just in my business, but in all parts of my life.

I learned a little bit about the Cloud - which I had previously been ignoring, but now am intrigued!  Actually, I found out that in a small way, I've already been using the Cloud - just didn't realize that was what it was.

There was a webinar on responding to RFP's - which I have not done to date.  It's a Request For Proposal, and it's a way to let people know you're interested in their project or service needs.  That was very interesting, and a little nerve-wracking - but I just may investigate further.

I have had the opportunity to download some great bonus materials, and am looking for a few minutes of down time to read and absorb some of the great stuff that was given.

All in all, as the week draws to an end, I've been happy to have participated - even though I didn't get to sit in on everything.

Now, like one of my clients says, "Don't just learn.  Implement!"  (Hope you don't mind my borrowing that Stacey.)  So, off to go do some implementing.

Just a little nostalgic for the sites and sounds of Florida.  I'd love to be doing a little of my "implementing" from there!  Sigh.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Ok, can someone help me out?  How DO you post a blog on Pinterest.  I've been fiddling with it for a couple of days, but I don't see how you can directly do that - anybody know.  Either comment here - which would really be nice!  Or email me privately at

Thanks!  Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

Hope you've had a good weekend.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pinterest - giving it some thought!

Huh!  I just read about using Pinterest to post your blogs!  I never thought of that.  What a great idea!

So, I think I'll start doing that.  I may post a few of the past ones, but will definitely do that for the future.

Sheppard Virtual Office is now Sheppard Diamond Virtual Office.  If you read a couple of posts back, you will see the services that I offer.

You can reach me at, or Skye ID sheppardva698 or at +1-937-698-5508.  I am in EST time and am available from 9 to 4 pm, Monday through Friday.

Now, back to transcribing.  Have a great day!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Faith versus Fear

One of the things my Pastor has taught in a series on Faith, was that fear is the opposite of faith.  Well now, how did I get to be this old, and not figured that out before?  Anxiety is one of those things that has worn me down time and again - and the funny thing was - it never did a thing to improve my situation!  Just wasted adrenalin!

So how does that apply to my business?  Sometimes, I fear that I just won't get enough business.  That's been pretty much unfounded.  About the time things slow down, and I let that classic "Oh, now what am I going to do?" start again...the phone rings or the emails show up with more work to do.  I do a good job at what I do, admit when I've goofed (sadly, I'm not perfect...are you???), and do what I can to make any needed corrections.  People are happy with that, and they refer me to others - voila!!  Work!

Other times I fear learning something new.  Now, I'm not going to kid you.  It is sometimes tough to learn new things.  Sometimes, it's just not my cup 'o tea, and I have to admit defeat - but how would I know unless I tried?  Having faith in myself, believing in the skills God has given me...venturing out of my safety zone, has allowed me to learn a WHOLE lot of new stuff.

Fear is wasted energy.  I have to "preach" that at myself often, because it's really my first, instantaneous reaction to some things.  Reminding myself that God is not the author of fear, that He's with me every step of the way, and that he equips me with intelligence, common sense, talent, and skills is little by little, putting fear out of my life - business included.

Are you practicing faith or living in fear?

“Faith isn’t the ability to believe long and far into the misty future. It’s simply taking God at His Word and taking the next step.”  Joni Erickson Tada

Mark 4:26-27,28-29 – Faith is like a seed; plant it in your heart. God gives the harvest at the appointed time.

“Faith is believing that God is going to take you places before you even get there.”  Matthew Barnett -

Monday, February 25, 2013

It's been awhile .... again!

I apparently need a good, swift kick.  Why do I find it so hard to blog?  Probably because I sit down to write and draw a complete blank.  Anybody got any great ideas for things you want to hear about from  Sheppard Diamond Virtual Office?

A client just asked me today to see my blog, and I'm like - oh dear....when was the last time I wrote?  I need to be more proactive, but really struggle with ideas.

So, VA friends, any advice?  What do you write about?  Let me hear from some of you.

Thanks in advance. 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Two Tools I just found for VA's and Entrepreneurs

I'm sure they are by no means new...but I just found out about them.  I am excited to have found both of them.

One is a free mind map program.  I love it.  It took me a little bit to figure out how to use it, but I did.  I'm already using it to plan our vacation in March...but it gives me ideas for planning my work, my business growth, my personal life.  Cool.  It's called FreeplaneDownload Freeplane  If you have some time for fiddling with it, and you're looking for a mind map - try it out.  

The other program I found was another way to share my stuff on Social Media - free.  It's called Buffer - and I haven't got it all set up yet, but plan to do that this weekend.  It's nice to find some time saving tools that don't require a monthly fee.

Love to find new techie tools to use.  Keep things interesting!  Have a great, fun weekend, and a successful new week.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Outsource Tasks to Your Virtual Assistant

I try to spend a few minutes reading articles each day that pertain to my business as a Virtual Assistant.  I was reading an article today that had to do with beginning to work with a Virtual Assistant - what to outsource, how to find a VA, and how to work with one.

Someone commented on the article that people should consider using a VA as an investment in their business, and I would heartily agree.  Think of all those office chores you're doing that are keeping you from spending time with clients, or producing income!

If you need suggestions on what to outsource, check out my last article for a "starter" list of tasks you can give someone to do for you.  The "expense" of using a Virtual Assistant might just be worth it if you have opportunity to continue building your business, and seeing it grow.

This week has been a hard lesson about procrastination for me.  I kept saying, "I need to get a flu shot."  Well, I never got around to it, and so guessed it - I have the flu, and it's NASTY.

Don't spend too much time procrastinating in growing your business.  Take some time to investigate the possibility of using a Virtual Assistant, and start outsourcing the non-income producing activities in your business.

Oh, and while you're at it, if you haven't had the flu might not want to procrastinate about that a whole lot longer, either!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Winter - Bah, Humbug!

Winter is NOT my favorite time of the year.  I know there are those of you who love the snow, the cold, weather for skiing, sledding, ice skating.  You can have it.

First, and foremost, I never feel warm.  I'm in a house that's heated well, I have a bountiful supply of afghans, and a space heater - but I'm still cold.  Maybe that's due to my age...but then I must have started aging right after the teen years, because it's been my M.O. since graduating college!

Second, I'm a klutz.  Which means that skating, sledding, snowmobiling and those wonderful winter activities have left me bruised and beaten when I was young enough, and dumb enough to keep trying to enjoy them.  Never more!

Third, winter means snowy, wet, icy, and dark roads.  Not a fan.  Sorry.  Which brings me to where I am right now.  Cuddled in my afghan, in my warm office, my feet clad in soft, fluffy socks, dog snuggled nearby...working.  And you ask me why I love being a Virtual Assistant?  The only thing to make it absolute perfection would be if my office was located a stone's throw from a warm, sunny beach.  For now, the picture on my Desktop will have to do.

Since I always mark the end of this frigid season as on or around March 31st....I'm down to 80 days and counting.  Have a great day! Now, where's the coffee?  :-)

Monday, January 7, 2013

So...what can I do for YOU?

I was doing some reading the other day - an article on the various things Virtual Assistants do for people.  The list was not meant to be exhaustive by any means, but it was long!  I realized that one thing I could do for my clients, and for potential clients was to let them know the various things that I specifically could do for them.

So here it is.  Connie's Not Totally Complete but Pretty Inclusive List of Things I can do for YOU:


1.  You're going on vacation, and you're going to be off grid but you want to make sure your clients have their questions answered if possible, or that they know when you'll be in touch.  I can check your email for client requests for info, and either answer them as you've instructed, or assure them you'll be in touch soon.

2.  I can answer your phones for you while you're away.  Use call forwarding, and your calls will come to me.

3.  You have international clients you are trying to schedule.  Using Skype, I can call and schedule them for you.

4.  You need client appointments confirmed.  If I have your calendar, or you prefer to send me a list of those I need to call - I can confirm appointments for you.

5.  I can send and receive faxes for and from you.


6.  You send out automatic email/newsletters.  People receiving them may need an address change, or other contact information updated.  I can do that for you.

7.  I can do research for you, whether it's regarding travel arrangements, or a hot topic, or names of CEO's, Presidents, VP's etc.  (For example, I had a client who wanted to replace a lost pair of unique sunglasses he received as a gift - I found them, got the price, and sent him the info - if he had wanted, I could have ordered them for him, and had them sent to him as well.)

8.  You have written some pertinent articles concerning your business and would like them posted to several ezine organizations.  Send them to me, and I will post.


9.  You have business meetings that are regularly scheduled, send me the dates - I'll post them to your calendar.

10. You need to schedule clients, let me know the dates and times you prefer to schedule, and I'll schedule them.

11.  You received the school schedule for your children, send me the list - I'll put it in your calendar.


12.  You're a speaker, and have just completed a series of recorded seminars that you want to make available in print.  I will transcribe your seminar to a Word document or .pdf.

13.  You've written out notes from a great training you took, and you want them transcribed - send them to me.

14.  You're writing a book, but record your notes, or write them down first - I can transcribe them into written copy.

15.  You can dictate a letter to me, and I will transcribe and send you a draft for revision/ and a final copy.


16.  You have hundreds (or more) business cards.  At the end of each month, send them to me, and I'll add them to a spreadsheet for you.

17.  You have incomplete information for your list of clients, old addresses, or phones numbers and such.  I can create a new spreadsheet for your contact list, call for correct information, and send you the update, as well as keep it on file for additions and deletions in the future.


18.  Perhaps you're planning a party, or an event, or an outing.  Let me send the invitations, take RSVP's, call for catering information.

19.  You're in a meeting, but you have a sick child that needs an appointment for the doctor.  Let me call and make the appointment for you.

20.  You want to order a book, or a magazine, or a gift.  Send me the information you're looking for, and I can get it ordered.


21.  Let me send them questionnaires, letters of introduction, pertinent information, reminders.

22.  Remember their birthdays or anniversaries?  I can put them in a list, or on your calendar, and send a card, or if you prefer - a gift.

23.  You would like to routinely send CD's, letters, or other token to prospective clients.  Have new prospects name and address forwarded to me, and I can send packages out.

Well, I could go on...but that would make this a tremendously long post.  It does give you an idea of what I do, and might also make you think of something not on the list, and if so - please just ask!

It's the beginning of a new year.  Let's make this one a great success.  Are you finding you do way too much of the paperwork, calling, ordering, and so on?  If so, let's work together to reduce that burden so you have time to do what you need to do to make your business grow.