Thursday, April 24, 2014

What's a Mind Dump?

Ever done a mind dump before?  It's also referred to as a brain dump.  Up until last week, I had never heard the term.  Frankly, it doesn't sound very nice!  LOL.  However, it's a great way to help me out, and I'm learning to implement this tool not just for my business, but for my personal life as well.

I have heard it defined as the following:   Generally, the transfer of a large quantity of information from one person to another or to a piece of paper can be referred to as a 'brain dump'.  It was recommended to use paper, and the idea is to write down everything you're thinking of - get it down on paper.

Ever have one of those nights where you've gone to bed, and you've definitely earned a good night's sleep, but instead you lie there in bed and think of all the things you forgot to do, still need to do, have to get done the next day, next week, next month?  Your brain seems to be sabotaging every effort you make to relax and fall asleep.  Rats.

Well, now I have a tool to use to combat that fiasco.  Before going to bed, I do a brain dump.  I start writing things down that I have to do, places I need to go, materials I might need, things I need to tell others to do, preparations I need to make, ideas I have...anything in my head that might keep me from letting the sandman do his job!

It hasn't been perfect - once in a while, I still end up thinking of something I didn't add to the list, but over time - I'm finding I have far less to review once in bed.  I can just trust my list.

As I said, it's a tool - one you might find useful, maybe not.  But it sure is worth a try.  Have a great day!

(picture from bansheeman7)

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