Sunday, April 27, 2014

Are You Running YOUR Business or is Your BUSINESS Running You?

I got some great ideas, and learned lots of helpful tips last week during VAV's 2014 (VA Virtuoso).  I love listening in on as many as I can every year.  It's so nice that something like that is available online.

One of the speakers spoke about how we need to create boundaries.  What will you do for clients, and what won't you do?  I remember when I first started out, if I was asked to do things I didn't like doing - I'd do them regardless - and still do from time to time.  However, I'm much more selective now than I was.  But a plan is necessary.  Know how you're going to handle things like:
  1. last minute requests - 
  2. need it done now - are you going to charge a rush fee?
  3. what are your office hours - are you going to be firm about them?
  4. Do you offer some services at different rates than your general rate?
You need to know what your plan is for these - and stick to the plan.  This is still an area I need work on.  I know in my head what my "plan" is - but I need to get it down on paper - maybe even make it available to new clients, so the record can be set straight from the beginning.

What about you?  Are you all set to let clients know what your plan is?  

Here's a good list for creating boundaries from Lara Casey:

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